When you have finished your preschool unit and are ready to move on, the biggest issue is:
What to do with Unit Materials when the Unit is Finished
So, here’s what I do with our preschool unit materials when we are finished.
- Lapbooks get stored for review and for showing to the grandparents until it is time to move up in grade level or the lapbook is no longer in a useable state. (I have 2 boys, it happens.)
- Project kits that can be reused get stored. If they can’t be reused they get trashed. Projects get stored if it is something I know we will revisit (like our lighthouse), and if it is not something we will use again or that will hold up for storing I take pictures and then toss it.
- After it’s time on the wall or refrigerator, art gets photographed for picture books and then tossed (unless it’s something like a first acrylic painting on canvas done by himself, etc.). Special pieces may be gifted to family.
- Models, replicas, toys, and other things get stored for future usage. The squishy human body
we are using will not be left out. I know we will use it again for both boys and I want it in good condition.
- Books are squeezed into what little shelf space there is where the boys can reach and read them, unless it is a book I want intact and kept for a long time. Those books are in my room or downstairs, not where little hands have constant access and crayons within reach.
- For units with lots of printed material, I use small 3-ring binders to store the pieces together. For some things where we make the consumables reusable by laminating or using page protectors, I have the binder already mostly put together before the unit is finished. Then I add any small pieces to a ziplock bag, hole punch it, and it goes into the binder, too.
- Remember your stored lapbooks and materials on days (or weeks) where you need a lighter load. Sometimes giving up and just doing a fun review is the best way to reclaim a bad day/week.
I hope you have enjoyed our 5 Days of Building a Preschool Unit! If you want to stay up to date on all our homeschool adventures, just subscribe by email below!
Caught this on Pinterest – well done!
Thank you, Stef! I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂