Yay! You have chosen a theme for your preschool unit, you have gathered lots of fun things from your selected resources, and you have figured out how to incorporate your theme into each (or most) subject you want to cover. Now it is time to pull your preschool unit together and get ready for a lot of learning fun!
Here’s a list I like to use:
- Pull our folder(s) for lapbooking
- Check glue stick supply
- Print off all printables, cut out the card stock pieces, and laminate any pieces you think need to be laminated (this includes consumable workbook pages and printables you may use again. If you don’t have a laminator, use page protector sheets!) Full sheets may be stored in a 3-ring binder to help keep them together.
- Get the books together, the projects together and labeled, and get out the sticky putty to attach any temporary poster additions to the wall.
- Gather all media: DVDs, CDs, bookmark or purchase online media so it is at the ready.
- Pick something really fun to begin the unit. (We will be beginning our human body unit with a Magic School Bus episode on the body and our Magic School Bus Human Body Kit, for example) Get it ready to go the night before.
- Get a good nights rest before you begin your first day of a themed unit.
We love our unit studies! Come back tomorrow to finish out our 5 Days of Building a Preschool Unit!
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