Before our kids were even born my husband and I began our research on home education. We are planners-always have been and all that research led us to homeschool. But it wasn’t until after our oldest came along that the reality of our homeschool decision set in.
Homeschool Success
I was staring at my computer screen one day holding my young toddler in my arms. My mother in law had just emailed me a news article regarding “The Brainy Bunch.” A large homeschooling family that had their children in college as young as 7 and as old as 12. All of them have either completed a Bachelors or Masters before most kids even graduate from conventional high school. One of their daughter’s became one of the nation’s youngest female doctors at age 22.
This family solidified our decision to homeschool.
See all 31 Days of Homeschooling is the Best Because series here:
Homeschool Reality
This story and our culture’s intense focus on our career pathways defining our individual success-pushed me to be very academic heavy at first. However, this approach backfired rather quickly and my oldest began to look towards learning with apathetic drudgery.
Soon after I learned one very important lesson.
Home Education is more than academics it is a lifestyle and it encompasses the whole child-their body, mind, spirit, their very heart.
Heartfelt Homeschooling
I changed my approach- goodness I changed my entire perspective on education and began researching various philosophies of education. I stumbled upon a Charlotte Mason philosophy which is a method that respects the whole child. A philosophy that believes education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.
I prioritized my relationship with my child and put her heart before any formal instruction. After that I focused on biblical character development and good habits through positive parenting.
Then together we work on formal lessons.
Today I asked her this question: “In your opinion, what is the best thing about homeschooling?”
My 5 year olds response: “I get to be with you.”
My response: “Ok, but why is that the best part?”
My 5 year old: “Because you love me so much and I love you.”
My heart melted and I just became a puddle of tears.
This is why Home Education is the best.
Real Success
Homeschooling has provided me the opportunity to have a deeper connection with my child. One rooted in a solid foundation of love and trust. No one else could love her like her mother. No else could be as passionate about her education and dedicated to her eventual success in life as her mother.
Now my oldest is either at grade level or above it depending on the subject. Yet that isn’t the best part of homeschooling. The best part of homeschooling is having the opportunity to form an incredible bond with my children-one anchored in love.
Hi, I am Sarah, author of Holistic Homeschooler. I am married to the man of my dreams and together we raise two adorable children. I jokingly tell people that I am a retired registered nurse but really I mean that I stay home to raise my children.
I love my children and I love to write, so I am a mother by day and writer by night. I homeschool our children and mainly follow a Charlotte Mason Philosophy of Education. When I find time to write, I cover all homeschooling topics and parenting.
I hope to share with my readers a perspective that is inspiring, motivational, and engaging. Thank you for sharing in our homeschooling journey. Find us on Facebook, and see our favorite homeschool mom gear here.
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