We have just “finished” our third year of homeschooling, I’m using quotes on finished because learning never ends, our kids are learning everyday even though they aren’t sitting down to do formal lessons. We finish our school/bookwork year towards the end of April, beginning of May each year and start our summer of interest-led learning.
I noticed something interesting since we started homeschooling, my kids are always learning! They are getting books from the library on topics that interest them, like my nine year old just told me she wants to get a bird book today from the library so she can identify the birds in our yard. My nine year old niece in public school is not interested in learning out of school.
Homeschooling has the advantage of encouraging our kids to learn everyday whether or not it’s scheduled or planned.
See all 31 Days of Homeschooling is the Best Because posts here:
Ways Homeschool Kids are Learning Everyday:
At the Library
Books! The library has so many great resources for learning that go beyond books. There are language learning computer programs available, fun programs that they put on such as cooking classes, and so much more.
Plus a number of libraries have after school programs as well as summer programs for your kids to hang out with their public school friends.
At the Playground
Cause and effort are always being learned at the playground, how you move on a swing, climbing up the slide.
Playgrounds are as great place to study nature especially if you visit one in a different community.
The grocery store is the perfect place to work on math skills as you and your kids are adding things to the shopping cart.
Do they have a little money to spend, maybe from their birthday? Let them figure out how much they have to spend, what they can buy, etc.
Shopping list are perfect for practicing handwriting, reading, and spelling. We make it fun too, I read off items and they have to find them. When you’re getting more specific with brands they are going to have to read the labels.
At Home
Your home is full of opportunities for learning, which is why you homeschool after all. Just letting your kids learn about their interests is helping them to learn every day. Getting in the kitchen baking and cooking. Creating – creating with art supplies, creating video games from code, creating movies, and the list could go on forever.
I’m Ashley, mother of three, wife, homeschooler, and blogger at Forgetful Momma living in Canada. I share tips for getting through the day, steps to getting the secular homeschool work and housework done. I write from the heart, I’m 100% honest that I don’t know everything, I am stumbling along just like the next person. I’m going to tell you when I screw up just the same as I do when I have found success.
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