Elderberries have been used for generations as an immunity booster and natural remedy for colds and flu. You can read more about it here: http://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-elderberry.html
How to Make Elderberry Syrup
So here is how I make our Elderberry Syrup. I use one ounce of dried elderberries (preferably organic), 2 cinnamon sticks, and crystalized ginger.
Viva Naturals Organic ElderberriesSimply Organic Cinnamon Sticks
Organic Crystallized Ginger
I put it all into a mason jar and add boiling water to the top of the cinnamon sticks, place the lid on loosely and let it steep for 20 minutes. You really don’t want it to steep longer than that.
Next, I strain out all the juice into a small pot.
Then I make a decoction. I mark a toothpick with a ballpoint pen at the level the liquid is when I pour it into the pot. Then I make a mark halfway between the bottom of the toothpick and the first mark (it’s a very sophisticated measuring system). I turn the burner on low and let it slowly reduce by steaming off some of the water. It takes about 45 minutes to reduce by half. I do it at a lower temperature so I don’t kill all the good stuff.
When it’s finished reducing, I add local raw honey to taste while it is still hot, which sweetens it for the boys and adds all those good local pollens and allergy fighters. After it completely cools, I put it in a jar and put it in the fridge for up to 3 weeks.
Mason jarsWooden toothpicks
Bic ball point pens
Do you use elderberry syrup at your house?
*Homeschool Fun Bonus* If you make your own elderberry syrup, instead of throwing away the used elderberries, you can use them to make a lovely dye by adding boiling water to them again!
* I am not a doctor, naturopath, herbologist or other medical person. Please check with your doctor before using or taking any herbal remedies.*
How much do you give at a time?
Thank you!!
Love this Lara! (I linked this to my blog.)
Every time we end up at Urgent Care I get a terrible cold/flu. This is perfect timing =) Thank you for helping us stay healthy.
Looking forward to our field trip Friday!!