I want to tell you, mom, that what you do matters. These moments, these memories, these tiny blessings you give to your child every day, sometimes without either of you knowing, they matter. So much! That extra minute it takes to turn on the fireplace, it matters. That mess you made trying a new craft that totally bombed? It matters. Stopping the hectic dinner rush madness to welcome your husband into the chaos with a hug and a kiss, it matters. Wiping noses, washing boo boos, helping make a train, dragging yourself out of bed for the child who is not aware 5 am is too early to play, it all matters.
Take this to heart. Being just a mom is just amazing.
No one else can give to your child what you can. God created them just for you. Bless them by loving that and remembering that every day. Especially the curl up on the floor and cry for one more cup of coffee and some quiet time days. They are blessing you, too.
With gray hair. With laugh lines. With holes in the wall and in their socks. With sticky door knobs. Dark circles under your eyes. LEGO imprints in your feet.
And it all is so very good. So very precious. Drink it up. Relish it. Those baby teeth won’t be coming in forever, in fact, for the little one you may be rocking to sleep for the 4th time tonight, they will never come in again. These stolen moments of baby hair, snuggle sleep and that deep need they have for their mama, it won’t last forever. Take a breath and remember how fast this time goes. And how much you are worth. Not just to them, but to He who created them and who created you to be just their mama.
My gift to you is just this, you are loved. You are precious. You are just amazing.
Karen Enk says
I needed to read that this morning. It made me feel good and get ready for a busy day with my four children and my autistic clients.
Lara says
Karen, I’m so glad! I hope your day was wonderful and thank you for stopping by!