Math was a struggle. Not just for my sweet Mr. T, but for me teaching him.
We would both get so very frustrated. With each other, with math, and with the challenges that were causing all the trouble.
If you have dealt with learning challenges in your children, then you know the heartbreak and angst that it can cause. How it can leave your precious child devoid of confidence and squash the love of learning right out of them. How it can cause your hair to turn 15 shades of white and this wrinkles on your forehead to be deeper than the Marianna Trench.
Yes, we were there. Constantly exasperated and losing the battle. Till we found a program that worked with and for Mr. T and allowed me to step back from “teaching” to become a helper instead.
Disclosure: This post is written in partnership with Teaching Textbooks. We were compensated for our time. All opinions are our own. We only share products that have truly been beneficial in our homeschool and hope they will benefit yours, too!
Teaching Textbooks, Dyslexia, and Dyscalculia
If your child is struggling with learning issues like dyslexia, dyscalculia, or dysgraphia you know well the struggles of finding a curriculum that fits. A math curriculum can often be one of the most difficult subjects to find a good fit for your child. A good math program teaches your child while adapting to their needs, be they a child that excels with math or struggles due to a learning disability.
Nothing is one size fits all because even children with the same challenges are unique but Teaching Textbooks has many benefits that make grasping math less intimidating for struggling learners.
What makes Teaching Textbooks so awesome for struggling learners?
- The lessons are read aloud to the student so they can work independently. This both frees up mom and makes her not “the bad guy” who is doing the teaching and correcting of a subject that can be more difficult for struggling students.
The student gets immediate feedback, and if a problem is answered incorrectly they get a walkthrough explaining how to properly work the problem.
Since it is a spiral based program there is ample review so it helps children remember and overcome the memorization blocks that some dyslexic children struggle with.
If your child is challenged with dysgraphia, writing becomes their focus and they struggle to show what they really know. Using Teaching Textbooks online allows your dysgraphic child to focus on the math, not the writing. This is a win for everyone!
Children with dyscalculia need a lot of review. They also need lessons broken down into small chunks with multi-sensory instruction because using a combination of visual and auditory teaching helps it stick- Teaching Textbooks provides both of these.
What about those whose children don’t struggle with math? Is Teaching Textbooks still a good choice? For many of the reason above and the ones I am about to share with you, it is easy to see that it makes a great choice for families of all types.
What makes Teaching Textbooks great for everyone?
They offer 10 levels of math for wherever your child is-Math 3-7, Pre Algebra, Algebra Geometry, Algebra 2, and Pre-Calculus.
Teaching Textbooks offer a free trial up to lesson 15, and there is no time limit on it so you can work it and take your time deciding if it’s right for your child. If you decide to purchase the curriculum you won’t lose anything, grades and progress transfer right over.
Teaching Textbooks works on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones so it can be done at home or on the go. We have found our laptop is the favorite device, with our iPad in second place in a pinch.
Students can choose different backgrounds and different buddies to help them with their work, this really helps make the lessons more colorful, interesting, and personalized to each child. Mr. F loves changing his buddy before each lesson!
Parents can turn hints and second chances on or off.
Pause for up to 3 months so you don’t lose any time. This is great for taking vacations, unexpected life events, etc.
Grades are stored permanently so you don’t lose them.
An entire year is only $43 to $67, a very affordable curriculum choice! Do you have a large family, 4 or more? Teaching Textbooks caps the cost at a yearling max of $199.08 to keep it affordable.
Of all the curriculum we have used over the years, this is by far one of our very favorite and has been such a benefit to our homeschool. Have you tried it? I’d love to hear how Teaching Textbooks has helped your family!
Hello Lara! I loved reading your review about Teaching Textbooks about children with Dyslexia. I am certainly considering adding this math curriculum for the new school year. Would you happen to know how long a lesson takes to complete in a day? My daughter is very independent and would need little to no help at all and I just want to make sure that I am making the right choice for her. Thank you in advance for your time!