The Poky Little Puppy by Janette Lowry is a children’s classic! I have loved the Poky Puppy and his many adventures for over 30 years, according to my mother! 🙂 This nature scavenger hunt is inspired by the original book and will be a delightful experience for you and your preschooler. Be sure to download your printable scavenger hunt sheet!
In this story, the Poky Little Puppy and his 4 siblings go our under a fence to explore the wide wide world for several days. Along the way, there are many outdoor creatures spotted! There are also lots of sweets. The illustrations are wonderfully fun and you could make this into a super sweet-ending day by making your own (gluten-free) strawberry scones!
In this nature scavenger hunt (click the image to get your free printable!), you will be searching for green grass, a grasshopper, a garden snake (the Target dollar bin ones totally count!), wildflowers like the ones in the book, a fence, a lizard, a spider, and more! It is a very fun but easy way to incorporate your morning reading into your afternoon outdoor play. You might even let your preschooler collect some of the things they find in a bug catcher to examine a bit more closely before releasing them. Or not, depending on your creepy-crawling-things threshold. 😉
What children’s book do you still love? Don’t forget to check out all the great Spring themed Book and a Big Idea Posts at iHomeschool Network!
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